'Let Me Count the Ways' - The Raw Deal (14 December 2022)

1 year ago

On the 10th observance of the Sandy Hook "event", I offer a comprehensive and detailed review of the hoax, how it was done and the parties who carried it out, including extensive discussion of the use of the courts to cover it up. Having been found guilty of defamation in Dane County Circuit Court, I appealed to the WI Court of Appeals (District IV), only to be denied---and the WI Supreme Court would reject my Petition for Review. Because this case represents the denial of our 7th Amendment right to. trial by jury--which is grossly compromised by the WI Summary Judgment protocols--I filed a Petition with the US Supreme Court. It was rejected but, on the basis of new legal arguments and new evidence (from the CT State Police Archives), I filed a Petition for Rehearing, which, alas, was also rejected. This case invited SCOTUS to affirm that the right to a trial by jury applies to every citizen of every state, where we are all supposed to be entitled to equal justice under law according to the 14th. State of the Nation has even declared that "This case may be the single most important issue to come before the Supreme Court in our lifetime". Follow what I report here and decide whether or not you agree. Americans are entitled to know the truth about our own history. Here's a piece that the government, the mainstream media, and the courts are doing their best to suppress.

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