Calgary Pedophile Protectors Police - Organized Crime

1 year ago

A large number of police officers returned to the Calgary Child and Family Protection Services building today where protesters continued to call for a return of the 3 Lee children to their parents Christine Wall and Chris Lee.

The children were taken from their home by Calgary Police Services in 2019 after their parents reported the rape of their then 6-year-old son by the principal at his Calgary Catholic elementary school.

CPS has refused to investigate the allegations made by the parents or offer a justification for the children's removal from their home.

Organized criminal Police are just government subsidized child traffickers. Legal doesn't apply to men, women or one of the people. It's massive constructive fraud and trespassing on our rights.
Service corporation [Police services] have duties and obligations not rights. Duties and obligations don't trump the rights of a man or woman. These ignorant pigs don't know the difference between legal & lawful. Enemy of the people.

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