Don’t Worry, Be Happy! πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ₯°πŸ™πŸŒŽ#REBTDπŸ˜‡

2 years ago

Anxiety Troubles men's hearts, But Jesus told us β€œNot to worry,”

"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble'" (Matthew 6: 33-34).

These Bible verses from the New Testament are comforting β€” but how do we apply them to our modern lives, which can be full of Stress and Anxiety?

Jesus Christ’s words in the Holy Bible verse are the very key to addressing an issue that "troubles men’s hearts" most today: anxiety; which also has some debilitating health effects.

Prior to Jesus stating this, He enumerated [in prior passages] the things of life that trouble us, from scarcely having enough to eat to possessing such an overabundance of things that it burdens us...

Regardless of whatever the situation may be, Anxiety and Fear are debilitating and terrible masters all around the world 🌏

Over the past several years, fear has robbed people of reasonable thinking, hope, peace, love and vision...

Think about it for a moment. Because of fear, people have boxed themselves into a room β€” masked up, sheltered down, closed up and submitted themselves to mandated vaccines.

FEAR perpetrated by Sin Sick Leftist Liberal Democrat MSM has choked the Hope and Life out of so many people in our world for the past three years on a created virus and continues today.

They forgot that Jesus says, 'Seek first the Kingdom of GOD.'"

The powers that be in this world are not the powers that will last, but GOD's Kingdom will last.

Jesus went on to say, 'Seek … His Righteousness and all these things shall be added to you."

The very things that we all need β€” Jesus Christ provides.

In addition, there is no political leader that is righteous. No citizen is righteous. No icon or celebrity is righteous. Only GOD is Righteous, and He's Righteous in His Promises.

Jesus tells us "Not to worry about tomorrow,"

Why would Jesus say such a thing?

Because tomorrow is the very thing we do worry about β€”
Will I be able to pay my bills?
What will the test results reveal?
Will my job still be there?
Will tomorrow be a good day or a bad day?

Man is prone to worry about tomorrow But Jesus Christ says do not worry about it, so let tomorrow stay in tomorrow, and when that day becomes today, I'll take care of it for you.

We need to take the promises of Jesus Christ, and for that matter the entire Word of God, and rest in them because he has promised to take care of all those who seek him first…

"Will you determine to seek him now?"

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