Concerned Mom Just Took Protest to Next Level by Identifying as a CAT at Woke School Board Meeting

1 year ago

Concerned Mom Just Took Protest to Next Level by Identifying as a CAT at Woke School Board Meeting

A Phoenix mother who went viral for showing up to a local school board meeting dressed as a cat said she wore the costume to drive home her point about the school’s woke agenda.

A video of Lindsey Graham, the host of the “Patriot Barbie” podcast, swept across the internet last month featuring the Arizona mother in a complete cat costume as she voiced her concerns about the confusing message a member of the school board, who identifies as transgender, was sending to elementary-age children.

“This was a local school in my neighborhood where there was a member of the school board whose name is Paul Bixler. He’s a man, he’s very clearly a man,” Graham, who sported her viral cat costume, said in an appearance on “Jesse Watters Primetime” Tuesday.

“The only thing he does to identify as a female is put lipstick on. He grew his hair out a little bit, and he wears his deceased wife’s clothing to school, to sporting events, to school events to fundraisers, school events in front of the children.”

“Believe it or not, he actually demands on being identified one of two ways, either Paul, which is a man’s name, or Ms. Bixler,” she continued “It’s very clear he has a gender identity crisis. Not only does he appear in front of the children and insist that the children define him as a woman, but he sits on the board and he’s making decisions for these children.” [Fox News]

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