Find out why I was banned from going live on Facebook! And say hello to my new book, Transformation!

2 years ago

You are powerful! We are brainwashed to forget this, conditioned to be small, and we constantly have to remind ourselves of this. I wrote The Inner Compass Trilogy to remind people of how powerful they are. Today, book 2 - Transformation, has been published. And I was banned from going live on Facebook, so I had to record this video, which turned out not so terrible!! Watch this to find out out why I was banned from facebook, hear me read extracts from the book, and talk about all my other books and why I needed to write these books as a novel.

Find me on Telegram here:

Watch me and Katie talk about how to use Social Media in crazy times here:

Listen to Healing for Healers (and Episode 37 is the one about the victim Triangle with Christ Waters) here:

And please buy Awakening and Transformation!
Paperback is here:
Kindle is here:

And do leave your thoughts below in the comments!!

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