pleiadian plan -state 2

2 years ago

pleiadian plan -state 2
in order to understand your self the best way is to know the sun. question - our sun its energetic expression and relationship to earth and the milkyway .. humanity fromthe councilof those who ave manifested and our initited in the mysteries we present the plan to you asis known and is your way of awakening.

the teachers of light are theprimary council and racial or cultural experience matters yet it is not valued over or under. explain the function of the sun its intelligence. plan and activity in this proces. the collective is represented by the sun. expalin the physics of the sun and is there proceses of buiding thenew earth ... what is the energy of this time and how can we awaken the energies of telepathy and power to controla nd bring forth manifestation. it is the time of metamorphisis.
is there a planet or are their planets in the vicinity of earth to steward this process.

reptillian grey anunaki connections -
this dark triangle of the descending compression into AIai - is it possible to know the specifics of theunderworld and the snake brothers, te reptilians who are lost under the control of the grey hybreds who have hived into the deep mind and are in control of every thoght. This polarized condition of ourspecies has allowed their programs to enhance the negative dimension - - ... of this in the line of who the annunaki are then you begin to realize they are the AI infected species - which has transformed much of the galaxy on this time line into avatars of their individuality. In the collective mentality of reptilian mind evil is not resident. This is evident in species co existing species are our higher soul expression is designed around the avian geneology. this is a strand of life intelligence - human dolphin or cetacean is the progression of your primariy species as hominod and then understanding this ou may see some other more diverse specei interlationship and then also discover the evolutionary path of the physical, mental and if emotional and if spiritual capacity of the species. All species have the higher and lower evolutionary patterns of expression. as the higherst form of relationship for the reptilian is the dragon - from snake to dragon is the fire raised into the power of the standing rod of will and purpose.

The common thread which is understood is the species which we have become is the crossing over of the dna by the instructions of the techrace - the dark ones - who are the total crossbreeds the anunnak. It is fromthe single mind of telepathic union our higher soul speaks of the circumstances of our demise as a species into slaves.... there is no judgement in the collective mental soul level of existence. the difficulty is that the realit of the individual places of mind are being overcome by the tech races absorbtion of all dat. this is resulting in the inabilitity of the mind to establish resient frequencies and the function of our sentience is being exploited. ... the pleiadians. Atlan - first Atlantian city of alta - center of posedia - above the reptilian kingdom of Eridu where all began with the experience.
of the mind in species of telepathic access the journey of symbol and message bring emotion or kinnesological response. This is most notible in the Feline Avians and Equis monoceros
the most pressing issue is proper genetics so the reproduction of cells in your body ay follow the appropriate template.

the solar situation is part of the awakening. there are some that suggst it will be to pull the star sol and the planets associated with it to the pleaidan system through the sun's own portal . this is entaling a huge appreciation for the size of the project as the with the cultures of the galaxy are position is alwasy towards advancement of the stream which we follow and ride upon into the higher creative levels of existences. ... the ncessary projection is to know all live is linked thorugh the template of the original being of which we are replicated in some manifestation. there has never been a negative creation in the physical maniestion. The existences of juggment of error is because of the cross current and itnermixing of things out of alignment withthe stream and in so doing create a push or presssure, stress that turns to anger, vengence, hate, disgust, destruction and thenegave path of an insane and suicidal ind. there are eings that will induce, sabotage, create fear, and become involved in manipulation and suicide - the only evidence of this situation -
ok mars before that ... destroyed themselves and then maldek blew up ... so you have a history of destruction in this planetary system.

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