HUMAN FIREBALL: Brute Stabbed Pregnant Sister To Death Then Set Her Alight

1 year ago

Cops in America have seized a brute who stabbed his pregnant sister to death and set her body on fire in an alleyway.

N-Kya Rebecca Logan was 36 weeks pregnant when she and her unborn baby were brutally killed and dumped in an alley in Fresno, California, on Tuesday, 13th December.

N-Kya, 26, had been planning to name her unborn son Noah and had thrown a baby shower just two days before the sickening crime.

The killing was discovered when Fresno Fire and Police Departments were alerted to a blaze on the 4400 block of N. Cornelia Street at around 12.30pm.

When officers arrived on the scene, they were horrified to find pregnant N-Kya "completely engulfed in fire", Chief of Police Paco Balderrama told local media.

Police seized suspect Aaron Jamal Dudley as he tried to run away from his home after material evidence found at the crime scene linked him to the slaying.

Inside the residence, officers reportedly found more evidence connecting him to the crime.

Dudley, 41, is described in reports as the victim's brother. Both he and the victim are said to have been living together.

Police said he was caught on CCTV footage pushing a waste bin - apparently with N-Kya inside - towards the alley before she was set alight.

He is believed to have stabbed her multiple times in their home four blocks away beforehand.

Police believe the crime was premeditated.

Prosecutors in Fresno County plan to charge Dudley with two counts of murder, as killing an unborn baby counts as murder under local law.

The District Attorney's Office also said it would request the death penalty.

Dudley had previously been declared unsafe around family members, but Police Chief Balderrama says evidence indicates he is fit to stand trial.

It is not the first run-in the suspect has had with the law.

Police had been called to the home on 28th July over an incident that had caused N-Kya to "fear for her safety".

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