English Readers for Private Schools in Nepal

1 year ago

Good Textbooks for schools in Nepal: English Readers
Many schools are using badly written textbooks with mistakes in them, without careful editing or in many cases, with no editing at all.
It is same with grading as well. The words, phrases and the sentences are not appropriate for the classes they have been prescribed for.
All this results into difficulties for students, teachers and schools to progress smoothly as teaching and learning become incomprehensible and boring.
When teachers start pointing out mistakes in the textbooks to students, the latter lose their faith in learning from books and their trust in grownups is lost.
They no longer have any belief and interest in what they are taught; and thus, become so careless that it is impossible for teachers to make the students listen to what is being taught. This is a disease that is spreading fast to all the schools all over Nepal.
And at the root of this problem is human greed at many levels.
The solution is to choose the right textbooks and it’s the schools and parents that should take up this problem into their hands. For example, you can choose safely English Readers like either Symphony: An English Course or Headway English Book for your school to start with if you are interested in giving good education from your school to your students. In this way, you can run your schools not only for profit but also for service to your nations.
Earn with dignity.
There is no need to be mean.

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