Don't Make This Hypnosis NLP Client Mistake! | Learn Hypnosis NLP

2 years ago

Don't Make This Hypnosis NLP Client Mistake! By Barry Neale

If you want to learn Hypnosis NLP then you need to watch this video.
So many hypnosis NLP courses just focus on technique and they just assume that the client is motivated to change, just because they turn up for a session.
Now this may true for clients with anxiety, trauma or depression but it's invariably NOT true for your behavioral modification clients such as smoking, weight loss, gambling, alcohol etc.
If you really want to learn hypnosis NLP to the point where you can be a really good agent of change you have to learn how to motivate your client's to change, and change now.
In this video, NLP and Hypnosis trainer Barry Neale reveals how motivate your client's to change... and make change a must, rather than a should.
You will learn hypnosis NLP questions to fully associate your client's to the pain of continuing their behaviour and pleasure to changing.

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