Hiding in Plain Sight | Predestination

2 years ago

When we try to hide something we are empowering a false god.

We are valuing the judgement of somebody external to ourselves.

We are dividing our efforts towards and away from the fulfillment of our goals.

The only judgment that matters is that of our own “I Ams.”

And everything that we conceal is always clearly apparent to our “I Ams.”

While we could be directing all of our effort through our “I Am” to produce what we value enough to conceal, we simultaneously struggle against ourselves in deference to idols, in an attempt to withhold what we conceal from others.

Depending on which direction we place the greater energy, either in the empowerment of our external idols in concealment, or in the production directly with our “I Ams,” what we conceal ultimately vanishes away or breaks out into objectivity.

The divided mind, the hypocrite, never gets what he or she wants until commitment to what’s hidden or what’s revealed is decided.

It is freeing to break the faith in external judges and bring what we conceal out into the light.

And this lack of privacy truly allows us to be our authentic selves and fulfill our greatest potential.

There is also the experience of further abandonment of our “I Ams,” explicitly though never implicitly while we give power to the external judges and take on the role of supporting characters to people who are more willing to openly express their own “I Ams.”

There is also the possibility of worshipping idols, of empowering false gods, by overly seeking attention.

The desire for acceptance is as disempowering to the explicit use of one’s own “I Am” as the attempt to conceal.

The dependence on external judgement, the worship of false idols, can be done both through the avoidance of attention and the seeking of attention.

And energy is wasted and bifurcated repeatedly in both directions.

The easiest, most natural and faithful mode of existence neither avoids nor seeks external scrutiny, activity, and even contemplation when done publicly and casually, is the one and true free existence.

©2022 Pearls & Bacon Ltd.

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