Why People Believe in Evolution (and Not Creation)

1 year ago

Everyone favours Evolution over Intelligent Design / Creationism, stating cases like 'Kitzmiller v Dover' (2005) and corrupt pseudo-scientists who promote Intelligent Design over the 'settled science' of Evolution, as their reason. What can we learn from this case and the dangers of 'paid for' science? Discover, in this video. It is a must see for all who want to deepen their understanding of this area.

This is the second video in the set, designed to answer questions and comments left by viewers. There are many more to follow. Some you may agree with; some you may not - but all will be thought provoking and even life changing, in some cases.

Subscribe to this channel to receive news of coming presentations, which will build on this subject and widely diversify into exploring life’s most important areas, helping you navigate better.

Other videos in the series:

1) Evolution Vs Creation - A Scientific Answer a 9yr Old Could Understand

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