2005 Interview - The Elite Don't Dare Let Us Tell the People

2 years ago

The Elite Don’t Dare Let Us Tell the People unleashes alarming new evidence of the Elite’s monumental crimes against humanity. Noted author Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr., unravels the darkest secrets of the secret societies, documenting the hideous threat posed to mankind by Freemasonry, the Bohemian Grove, and the Order of Skull & Bones. Also unmasked: elitist groups such as the Bilderberg, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission.
Financially, grave dangers now confront us. The Elite project to de-industrialize the United States gathers steam. Shocking statistics document the devastation done to American workers. Millions have already been thrown out of work, and those still employed are under-employed. With documented facts the author pulls the curtains back, unveiling the secretive manipulations of the international bankers and their Central Banks. Is our economic system now in dire jeopardy? Are the Elite about to plunge the U.S.A. into a financial catastrophe? Obviously what started in mid-2008 is absolute proof. We are now in a depression, which, if not brought under control soon, could make the 1929 depression look like a cake-walk. Here are the answers you need to assure your economic survival and even prosper in the dangerous days ahead. Forewarned is forearmed.
Why do bloodshed and wars continue to plague America and the world? Is war just a racket? Are wars caused by oil and financial greed? What role do Zionist ambitions have in fomenting global conflict? Who’s really in charge?, Ross asks. Will these cunning men achieve their totalitarian goals and tighten their grip on our daily lives? This book very clearly answers these most important questions. Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr., leads the way in The Elite Don’t Dare Let Us Tell the People. Armed with the knowledge found in this book, we can, indeed, turn back the tide of evil. We can free ourselves from the bondage planned for us by the Elite conspirators.
It has been said that:
“For every 1,000 hacking at the branches of evil, one hacks at the root.”
This powerful and authoritative book hacks directly at the root of the global conspiracy.
Website was last updated in 2008. https://4rie.com/

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