Ensuring the Stockings are Stuffed, By Getting Their Stockings Stuffed! OnlyFans Paid For Christmas!

1 year ago

Back in the day, if parents needed to scrape together some extra cash to pay for Christmas presents, they would work extra hours, pick up a seasonal job or save throughout the year. Now, they are getting simps to pay for their kids! Onlyfans is picking up the slack and then some! While it's nice to spoil your kids once a year, if you are on the business end of this and paying for someone else's kid, make 2022 the LAST year you do that. Also, don't you dare be springing for any New Year's expenses! Make 2023 Simp Free!

The Irish Mirror: https://www.irishmirror.ie/news/world-news/strapped-cash-mum-joins-onlyfans-28619563
The US Sun: https://www.the-sun.com/lifestyle/6813620/onlyfans-christmas-spending-money-designer-scotland/

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#OnlyFans #Simping #Christmas

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