({REACTION}) We Are the People by D Cure, TMR and Topher with an Interview with Officer Castro

2 years ago

You tube hates my old account. Just a retired Army vet with way to much free time spreading awareness to the masses.

When your own government wants to lie and censor everything, I will not comply.

So screw it, I'm still gonna be me, like it or hate it

Original Video


#dcure #california #chomo
#scammer #freedom #retired #veterans #ministryoftruth #1stamendment #redpill #bluepill #blackpill #clownpill #freedomofspeech #legalizeit #smoketwojoints #indoctrination #genz #stupid #educational #interviews #streetinterview #doomed #idiocracy #lgbtq #chomo #Joy #tyrannical #tyranny #tyrant #mandates #constitution #rights #donotcomply #limitedgovt #dummies #chomo #our #government #doesnt #care #about #kids #they #dont #care #about #the #people #they #want #total #control #of #our #lives #atf #guncontrol #themarinerapper @TheMarineRapper @DCure #educational #irvineca #irvine @Tophertown #losangeles #icecream #irvinespectrum #irvinepd #badge641 #mexico #mexican #mexicant #target #orangecounty #lagunabeach #anthonytrimino #traffik

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