Interview 372 with Serena Winterburn

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You may know me from different walks of my journey… but do you know me?
My name is Serena Winterburn.
I am Nehyew (Cree) from treaty 8 territory in Alberta and I’ve lived here in the Cowichan Valley as a guest on the traditional lands of the Cowichan people for five years.
My Chapan (Great Grandfather) was a Great Chief and signatory to treaty 8.
In my culture every decision we made was in consideration of the next seven generations.
We also understood that to be a leader meant that our voices are a representation of the people‘s voices.
As an initiated Matriarch, I use the medicine wheel to support Women in healing.
As a resilient First Nations Woman I carry genocide in my bloodline and recognize the similarities in what is taking place today.
To know thy self and your story is to know your power and value and what it is that you have to contribute.
Today I use my voice to help advocate for others and to help bring awareness to what is taking place. It is not enough to be aware we must build the path forward.

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