i make efforts to avoid this world but i must visit every once in awhile

1 year ago

done 3 loads of laundry
housewife to myself, don't that sound pathetic
people have been trained to view being alone as a sign of personal failure and various bad things
if you weren't already insecure about it...
appreciate chu frank hope you're happy wherever you are in life
yes i know that is true on such a universal level not just an ag level
when i was younger i thought it was sumin i wanted and then i just pushed it away over and over again
good and bad, selfish and selfless
maybe this culture is exposing how repressed everyone is about their sexual nature
easily exploited thru that vehicle
unless somebody woos me which i find hard to believe
being alone is so fantastic
any excuse to get away
i can adamantly say no to things that i don't like for whatever reason
people can try a lot harder, everyone knows that
definitely not my idea to be w/ anyone
the fact that the tempo is off is kinda cool
it feels so good to walk away from what's goin on
i do that thru many many things, i guess we all do in some sorta way
these activities used to make up all of me or at least a very large portion
ever stumble, we do it a lot
too many words on my mind at the same time
it was the right word, it's a burden for sumin to be albatross but it is a very awkward sea bird
ya gotta forsake yourself completely to have empathy
people dunno what anything is, maybe they never did
they can pretend, can't they...all they know how to do is pretend
i don't understand the world you choose to live in
i hope you get sumin out of this
mockery has taught me a lot
develop the resiliance of someone w/ actual experience
grow reptilian skin n be comfortable w/ the one i live w/in
you can only reform if you understand why you need salvation (that's why you can't conform to this world)
i dunno what His Will is, so i just gotta keep pluggin away at this
until the time that He decides
i can't expect anything, hope for the Good thing, wait for the best thing
take it as it comes
i know that He's the One where/that i come from
what's to be afraid of, keep your mind in the positive
everything's fuckin terrible
they're so enslaved they've chosen death
good mfing luck, most aren't ready for that information
i'll take obscene and real mean
caring from over here don't make no sense
most people don't have actions to back anything up
hashtags don't mean that you're serious
how am i doin that x ?
maybe it's the fallen nature of this world that you've given into
i know that what i say is valid but i still don't wanna be hateful
i allowed myself to be wrong for awhile (former channel, also featured, aim
less i used to be liberal)
and my other heretical Bible (hundred dollar restoration Bible)
Enoch still talked about even tho his book was removed
just keep reading til it stops

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