Shapeshifting Sexy Girl Demon Possesses And Transforms Her Victims Bodies on Halloween, Horror Sex

2 years ago

Shapeshifting Sexy Girl Demon Possesses And Transforms Her Victims Bodies on Halloween Horror Sex Movie Recap .

Movie Name 📛📛 Night Of The Demons 3


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night of the demons 3

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movie short summary

night of the demons a sexy horror film here I well explain exactly what happened in this movie Essentially, there are a bunch of losers roaming around town when they stumble upon two girls whose car broke down and pick them up. The group stops at a convenience store and somehow ends up in a shootout with police leading to them panicking and holding up at Hull House believing no one will find them there. The plot is stupid right from the beginning as it's supposed to be Halloween and yet there is almost no indication of such. This was one of the main detractors from part 2, but at least there was a Halloween party at one point in that movie. Here, there is one character with a mask, the two girls dressed up, and they may mention Halloween a couple times and that's it! Once again, it's as if they forgot that the premise of this series revolves around the demons rising every Halloween. The characters are stupid, annoying, and nowhere near as fun as part 2; I should probably stress the stupidity more, because they make so many bad decisions you want to jump into the movie and stab them yourself. I get that they were attempting to channel the creativity of part 2, but they do not pull it off one bit. Angela is still there for some reason even though she was killed twice in the last film. Her makeup effects are mostly the same, but everything feels toned down especially on some of the secondary demons. The acting sucks, the effects are weak, the set design was beyond lazy, the characters are annoying, the chicks are busted, and they couldn't even get Halloween straight. Suffice to say, the stupidity with this film is why they gave up on this franchise until the remake.


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