Jesus hates the lukewarm phony churches and wicked

1 year ago

Jesus is not a baby in a manager He is the Alpha and Omega and He is very very angry!! He hates the phony lukewarm phony church people and pastors who play games all the time, they go to church then go to work and act however they want but no can't have anyone know I go to church I don't want to be made fun of, America churches are dead and full of Christmas junk pagan nonsense inside and fake charity that does nothing, stupid Christmas Eve junk , Christmas is pagan period it is called saturnalia and so called Christians are doing the same thing the Jews did they are celebrating pagan holidays that God hates, Easter, Palm Sunday, Ash Wednesday, good Friday, Christmas, thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, new year Eve, the tree, and everything came from Babylon, nimrod son of cush son of ham was a wicked man, he married his mother and they had a son called Tammuz and he was born on December 25!! Nimrod called his wife Ishtar or Easter and on palm Sunday nimrod would ride into Babylon to greet his wife semeranias and called her the queen of heaven, Ishtar, ISIS, baal, all pagan names for the pagan cultures worship, Easter eggs they killed babies and used their blood to dye eggs, the sunrise service the pagans did to greet the queen of heaven Ishtar!! Same with Christmas it was called saturnalia and Romans got drunk and ate so much on this day to worship the idol Saturn their Roman god!! Santa is Satan and Santa is not real at all, Jesus was not born in December but September, the early Christians did not celebrate pagan holidays, Constantine made all the pagan Roman ways mixed with the early church ok to keep, so became the Catholic pagan cult, the same Catholic Church that killed anyone on the stake that tried to write the Bible into English not Latin, and got rid of all the Jewish holidays and made Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Sunday or sun worship, good Friday, mother and father day, Xmas and Xmas Eve, valentine day, the Catholic Church changed the calendar to, so now we have the pagan Roman Catholic calendar we use now,

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