Gary Vee Says at 55 I Still Have Time...Join me in my Age With Intention 28-Day Challenge

2 years ago

Are you sitting on the sidelines? What makes the difference between one person at 50 or 60 and another person? Are you just spinning your wheels waiting to "retire" and allow your life force to dissolve away? Come on...let's not give up on it all so quickly - so young! Gary Vee has a lot to say to those of us who are 55 and older, well, so do I, and I'm living it! If you aren't quite feeling it at your age, let's do something about it. You still have time. Time to heal your physical body. Time to change your mindset. Time to try new things. Regain energy. Enjoy living again.

I would like to welcome you into my world...a world where at 55 I just rode my first motorcycle race...or I hike/run 100K trail races...and I build online businesses and help people publish their books. We aren't done yet at 40, 50, 60, or even 70+ - heck, I have book clients still writing and publishing books in their late 80s and early 90s!

Aren't you ready for more...more energy, more deep-rooted vitality, more joy in experiencing what life still has ahead for you?

I invite you to join me in a 28-Day Challenge I have designed to help us get back into this game of life called AGE WITH INTENTION & VITALITY. It is an easy pdf download that you can print and use to assess your current lifestyle and habits and follow along with my 3 Daily Habits that will take you off the sidelines and into the actual game.

Ready for your own reset? Join me in the 28-Day Age with Intention & Vitality Challenge:
Fun Merch for your new season – Adventure is Ageless:

Check in as I continue to upload videos to the AGE WITH INTENTION & VITALITY 28-Day Challenge PLAYLIST here on my Channel. Leave some comments, and let's get you back in the game!

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