Pro-Lifers Need to Hear This

1 year ago

The radical Left has really lifted its foot off of the brake after the November midterm elections. But even we didn’t have the Biden Department of Justice admitting it’s targeting pro-lifers as retribution for a Supreme Court decision on our 2022 BINGO card.
But that’s what happened. Biden Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta came right out and said the quiet part out loud, admitting that the DOJ is targeting pro-lifers in response to the Supreme Court’s correct ruling that overturned Roe v. Wade and decimated the false notion of a constitutional right to abortion.
According to a report by Fox News:
"Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta said earlier this month that the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division has faced growing "urgency" to work to protect reproductive services, in part by enforcing the FACE Act, following the Supreme Court's Dobbs v. Jackson decision overturning Roe v. Wade.
In remarks delivered to mark the DOJ division's 65th anniversary on Dec. 6, Gupta said the Supreme Court’s decision "dealt a devastating blow to women throughout the country."
The decision, she said, took away the constitutional right to an abortion and increased the "urgency" of the DOJ’s work "including enforcement of the FACE Act, to ensure continued lawful access to reproductive services.""
The radical Left never misses an opportunity to undercut the Supreme Court of the United States. These radical Leftists don’t seem to realize, or maybe just don’t care, that their very dangerous rhetoric has created the recent surge in violent attacks on pro-life pregnancy centers. In fact, those attacks make up 70% of the violent incidents regarding abortion. Groups like Jane’s Revenge have vandalized pro-life pregnancy centers, smashing windows, and spray-painting threats in retaliation for Roe.
The Biden DOJ is well aware that there is a very real, violent threat looming over pro-life crisis pregnancy centers, as well as pro-life workers, and expectant mothers, but rather than taking action to protect them, the Left prefers to investigate and bring charges against the victims.
One thing that should not surprise you is that your ACLJ legal team is already looking at all of our legal options to defeat this political bias and corruption by the Biden Administration.
Today’s full Sekulow broadcast includes further in-depth analysis of Assistant Attorney General Gupta’s telling confession, and what, if any, fallout it could and should bring, including discussion of the matter with ACLJ Senior Counsel for Global Affairs and former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

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