January 20, 2021 🇺🇸 JESUS SAYS... Trust Me!… I love My Servant Trump dearly and I love Biden too

2 years ago

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Trust Me… I love My Servant Trump dearly & I love Biden too

January 20, 2021 – Words from Jesus thru a Sister in Clare’s Refuge

(Sister) Good morning, Lord… Mother Elizabeth and I began to meditate on the word you gave Mother Clare a few weeks ago. I was still having so much trouble trying to put the puzzle pieces and the time frame together, because, deep down in my heart, I felt that you are going to allow Biden to be inaugurated as President. However, I didn’t see how that would fit into the promises and the messages you have given us. Thank you for bringing light and wisdom to our confusion. Jesus, could You please explain? Jesus began…

(Jesus) “My beloved one, I am a man of My promise. There is no deception in Me, and no, you and many others like you have not heard from a lying spirit. What I promised and told My prophets will indeed come to pass. Donald Trump will regain another second term, but not without a fight. However, the victory is Mine and the battle has already been won, My people, you just must pray and believe. So many times, when I give words you run to try to piece things together. How many times has that got you into trouble?”

(Sister) Quite a bit, actually, every time Lord.

(Jesus) “Good, well, you’re learning, My beloved little one, and others are learning as well. You all start to see that My ways are so far above your ways, and so are My thoughts.

“However, I give My words to you now, because I love you and you have asked Me for wisdom, but the way in which My promises come to fruition, I desire that you leave that to Me from now on, or you will continue to create obstacles that will get you ensnared in anxiety, restlessness and confusion. Trust the words I speak to you and do not look to the left or to the right, or be dismayed by what you perceive to be a contradiction, because it is part of that very plan that I have permitted, that will bring My purpose and promises to fulfillment.

“My dear ones, many of you will be scoffed, mocked and ridiculed after January 20th (2021) when this nation will swear in the false president elect Joe Biden. This is not My will for you, nor the man that I have put in office.

“Remember, I am God and in control, I raise up kings and tear down kingdoms. It is My will for him to be sworn in, but not to be President. Although the enemy will gloat as if they have won, they have perfectly taken the bait, playing right into My hands for truth to be revealed and justice to prevail in your nation.

“It would do you good, My beloved ones, to go back and read the battles of old. I have not changed, and many times when it looked like the armies of Israel had lost, even when it looked like they had been taken over by a rebellious man like Absalom, I was still in control and used everything to fulfill My purpose and to bring My people closer to Me, and so will I do it in this case as well. History has repeated itself once again, and Biden is like Absalom. He has been easily swayed by those around him, to run his campaign and take office in a deceitful way, but nothing is hidden from My eyes and justice will prevail.”

(Sister) So, Biden is Absalom, and Absalom won the hearts of the people falsely to overthrow King David, who is President Trump, as he took his seat as King instead. Lord, the pointers you gave concerning that story of Absalom and David with Ahitophel and Hushai, are these the things that will happen? (Jackie… To better understand the parallels, please read the story of King David and his son Absalom in your Bible in 2 Samuel Chapters 15-19)

(Jesus) “Yes beloved, I dearly love My servant Trump, and I love Biden too. They are both My children, although one has not fully surrendered to Me, yet I love him all the same. President Trump is well aware of these plans and has valiantly submitted to My will. That is why he has so much peace. He has now come to know My heart and prays for his enemies and all those who have been against him on a daily basis.

“He loves this nation very much and grieves at what must happen in order for the truth to be revealed, and for your nation to be purified of the corruption. Even now there is a trusted confidant of Biden that I have placed in his midst, who, in reality, is part of Trump’s team. I will use him to frustrate the plans of Biden and those of the deep state.”

(Sister) Lord, will there be a war.

(Jesus) “No beloved, not World War 3, not yet, but there will be a battle, and many casualties are to come, to ensure this nation is purged from the bottom up. I did tell you, that once Trump takes office there will be a major change in your government infrastructure.”

(Sister) Yes, you did Lord.

(Jesus) “So trust Me, and stand on My word. Pray, pray, pray My people, for My heart grieves too at what must happen to get many in your nation to wake up, to get the world’s attention and make them aware of the deep seated corruption that has taken over every facet of your nation.

“Pray that the plans of the deep state will be frustrated. Pray that the supporters of Trump will be patient and wait on My timing to execute My plans. Pray for those who will be lost as casualties in this battle, and pray this trusted confidant of Biden, who I have placed in his midst, will rise up and that his voice finds favor over the opinions of all the others. That I may use him to fulfill My purpose. Pray, My dear little ones. There will be a victory cry soon in the tents of the righteous!”

(Sister) Lord, do You want to tell me how many days, weeks or months this will take (I said this smiling) Jesus responded…

(Jesus) Soon, very soon (smiling too)

(Sister) That was the end of Jesus’ message. Thank You Lord, for the victory through prayer! I encourage everyone to stay in prayer today, as well as tomorrow. God bless you all.

(Jackie) And I just wanted to share with you a Rhema, I received a few days ago from Ezekiel Chapter 37:23-25 which fits perfectly here… And they shall no longer defile themselves with their idols, nor with their detestable things, nor with any of their transgressions. I shall save them from all their dwelling places, wherein they have sinned, and I shall cleanse them. And they shall be My people, and I shall be their God.

And David, My servant shall be king over them. And they shall all have one shepherd and walk in My Right-Rulings, and guard My Laws, and do them. And they shall dwell in the land that I have given to Jacob My servant, where your fathers dwelt. And they shall dwell therein, they and their children, and their children’s children forever, and My servant David shall be their prince forever.

What a wonderful outlook! The peace and protection of the Lord be with you all.

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