100 Percent BOTW Before Tears of the Kingdom Release!

2 years ago

I have often said I won't do a 100% run of Breath of the Wild, but with Tears of the Kingdom on the way, I have decided to break my own mental health for content! Come hang out and watch me explode trying to do this before May!

Head Empty, Don't Think!
breaht #wild #of #the #100percent #tears #kingdom #zelda #legend #breath #eild #fo #teh #100precent #teras #knigdom #selda #legedn #berath #sild #if #rhe #100percnet #rears #iingdom #aelda #elgend #bretah #qild #lf #ghe #100percetn #gears #oingdom #xelda #pegend #braeth #wold #pf #yhe #100oercent #years #lingdom #zepda #megend #nreath #wuld #or #tne #100lercent #tesrs #mingdom #zemda #kegend #greath #wkld #ot #tte #100peecent #tezrs #kongdom #zekda #lerend #vreath #wipd #oc #tge #100petcent #teqrs #kungdom #zelea #lenend #beeath #wimd #od #tbe #100pegcent #teaes #kkngdom #zelsa #letend #bteath #wikd #100pefcent #teats #kimgdom #zelca #lehend #bgeath #wile #100perdent #teags #kihgdom #zelfa #legemd #bfeath #wils #100pervent #teafs #kibgdom #zelds #legehd #bresth #wilc #100perxent #teare #kinrdom #zeldz #legebd #brezth #wilf #100percemt #teara #kinndom #zeldq #legene #breqth #100perceht #teard #kintdom #legens #brearh #100percebt #tearw #kinhdom #legenc #breagh #100percenr #kingeom #legenf #breayh #100perceng #kingsom #breatn #100perceny #kingcom #breatt #kingfom #breatg #kingdim #breatb #kingdlm #kingdpm #kingdon #kingdok #kingdoj

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