DeSantis Responds to Vaxx-Nannies Projecting Their "Authoritarian Ambitions" on Him

1 year ago

The left, particularly the rapidly rising ranks of radical leftists, have two plays they call when reacting to freedom-loving patriots. They usually claim some variation of bigotry; anyone who wants equality is a "racist" in their books just as anyone who calls out groomers is "transphobic," they claim.

The second play they call is projection. Whatever flaws or evil tendencies they exhibit, they claim it is their opposition that's actually doing it. There have been plenty examples of blatant and often comical projection being utilized by the left, but few are more ludicrous than what many Covid vaxx-nannies are claiming about Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

Following his roundtable yesterday during which he called for a grand jury investigation into criminals who pushed the jabs despite clear evidence of their dangers and inefficacy, radical leftists started claiming he was showing his "authoritarian ambitions." When medical tyrants and their cultists say DeSantis is being an authoritarian, it's the textbook example of projection.

DeSantis went on with Fox News host Laura Ingraham to respond to these people who are terrified their tyrannical natures will be exposed.

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