NEW Toxic Flame Build does 10/10 MAPS!!! #undecember #awaken #build #gameplay #poe 3

2 years ago

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Time Stamps:

00:00 - 10/10 Map Gameplay
06:07 - Runes
07:32 - Zodiac
10:22 - Mastery
10:55 - Equipment
13:01 - Charms
13:46 - Relic

To see a list of ALL my Undecember videos, check the link below:


After adding Mana Storm, Seal of Pain and Seal of Element Resist, the mana cost became too high. Not only that, to do 10/10 maps or even 10/3 maps, I had to make a well rounded build. The focus can't be only on DPS, so I had to get my Hit Points up as well.

Because of that, Deadly Poison was replaced by Preserve Mana. Which made Vesper relic be replaced by Boreal. Some Zodiac nodes were replaced to give room for Mana Potion effect nodes. Charms were also replaced to increase life.

Shout of Provocation, Seal of Element Resist and Bulwark of Protection were finally added to give it more survivability.

Toxic Flame was awakened with the Origin source, giving it +14.8% DOT Amplification and giving the DPS a good boost.

In the end, the build was doing great damage and was strong enough to clear 10/10 Maps, as shown by the gameplay.


Depois de adicionar a Tempestade de Mana, Selo de Resistencia Elemental e Selo da Dor, o custo de mana subiu muito e mudanças precisaram ser feitas. Não apenas isso, para fazer mapas 10/10 ou mesmo 10/3, o foco não poderia mais ser exclusivamente em aumentar o DPS. Sendo assim, tive que me preocupar em aumentar minha vida e defesas.

Veneno Letal foi substituido por Preservar Mana. O que fez a Vesper ser substituida por Boreal. Alguns pontos no Zodiaco foram substituidos para abrir espaço para investir em bonus de efeito das poções de Mana.

Grito da Provocação, Baluarte da Proteção e o Selo de Resistencia Elemental foram adicionados finalmente, dando maior proteção e grau de sobrevivência à build.

A Chama Tóxica foi despertada usando a fonte de Origem, aumentando em 14,8% a Amplificação de Dano Continuo.

O resultado final foi uma build mais redonda e potente capaz de fazer mapas 10/10.

Birth of the 13th Being, Evil God Serpens
Light came from darkness, and that light split into 12 different divine beings.
The 12 beings that rose from the void shared their powers to create Traum and lived peacefully amongst their descendants. The descendants prospered under the blessings of the 12 beings who were now worshipped as gods. But one day, an unexpected being, Evil God Serpens came into existence.

Main Features

UNCHANGED - The fun of Hack & Slash comes from annihilating countless enemies at once.
As a genre where character growth is tied to devastating enemies to obtain new items, the focus was set upon the proposition to "gain strength after wiping out enemies" during development.
Stirring away from the typical growth system, players will be able to enjoy
completing their own unique builds.

UNDEFINED - Freedom to Select Various Combat Styles
There are no defined classes in UNDECEMBER.
Once a character is created after customization, players will be able to
freely change around gears and skills based on personal playstyle.
Builds are divided into Strength, Dexterity and Intelligence types, but there are no gear or combination restrictions.
Players are free to cast magic with a sword or summon minions with a bow, or create any new unique builds of their own.

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