Relieve Stress, Problems, Toxicity, & More With A.A.R.L.

1 year ago

In our everyday lives many things occur. These "things" can be good and bad. If we are not in control of ourselves, our minds, and our environments, certain events can easily piss us off and stay on our minds the whole day leading to THE WORST DAY EVER moment!

How do you turn this shitty day into a powerful day? Well... by A.A.R.L. (I do this every time I am having a shitty day and it works like magic).

Acknowledge all the things that are on your mind, what is pissing you off and what happened (past tense). Don't think through it. Just become aware of its being and notice it. Put light on it.

Not that you have be come aware of the things that pissed you off or are just on your mind, accept them. Accept that they are there. This does not mean you are saying what happened is okay or right... this means just accepting the fact that it did happen and it is on your mind. **By accepting you are in turn dissolving all which you acknowledged.

Now, RELEAASSSEEE all which you acknowledged and accepted. Put two finger on the side of your neck, press in slightly, and say RELEAASSSEE in a funny sound/way. Say this once, twice, 10X, etc. When you say this, visualize all your problems (that which you acknowledged and accepted) leaving your body and mind. The breathing in, imagine new, vibrant, energetic, positive air and energy coming into your body. THIS IS A RESTART!

Now, laugh about all these stupid issues and things which were on your mind. Laugh at how stupid they were and make fun of them. Take the power away from them!

Go about your day now and absolutely kill it!

Be great, be happy, you decide!

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