Justice For COVID Tyranny | Unalienable Right | Dr. Cordie Williams & Shawn Farash

1 year ago

After Tuesday November 7th's special runoff election ended with Democratic incumbent Raphael Warnock maintaining a 1+ Dem seat majority in the senate, post-midterms, the U.S. government, lawmakers at Capitol Hill, and mainstream media pundits trudge along with "business as usual".

Late Tuesday night on December 6th, bipartisan leadership in both houses agreed on a $858 billion military policy bill that would terminate the Pentagon’s mandate that troops receive the COVID-19 vaccine, much to the dismay of the Biden Administration.

In the inevitable rollback process, will it be business as usual? Or will the millions of impacted lives, the billions of dollars of lost income, the permanent damage to personal health, the unnecessary death of loved ones, be accounted for?

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