Scrubbing The House in the Middle Video Yields Appearance of Wormhole & Craft - Not Sure About That

2 years ago

This ones a strange one I came across last night. I wasn't going to post it but I shared it to a few people who shrugged their shoulders as much as I did. I slept on it, and found myself going back to it today. I wonder whether anyone else has every documented or noticed any kinds of anomalies like this surrounding videos filming nuclear blasts. I made this video, if nothing else, for myself, to remind me to continue to look for evidence of this kind in other videos.

I got to thinking the other day, I wonder whether or not some old footage of nuclear blasts, have ever caught anything strange going on. So I went looking for some video and ran across a video short titled the House in the Middle.

The House in the Middle is the title of two American documentary film shorts, respectively from 1953 and 1954, which showed the effects of a nuclear bomb test on a set of three small houses. The black-and-white 1953 film was created by the Federal Civil Defense Administration.

While this will undoubtedly be shrugged off as nothing, I found it fascinating. What I'm showing you is two frames from the video. They happen back to back. First, there's the appearance of a round darkened area - which also appears to have a craft looking object, coming out of it. The next frame, the circular darkened area, disappears, and a fully shaped white orb thing is there, looking as if it's a craft, and further details with exposure changes, show further details surrounding the object. Giving the illusion and impression to myself, that this could possibly be a wormhole opening up and something coming out.

The next frames following this moment, both anomaly are gone.

I scrubbed the video to see whether this dark circular area shows up anywhere else in the video and I was unable to find it.

To give you a little more background as to my thought process as to why I went looking for a video surrounding nuclear blasts to scrub - is because in my mind, if UAP / UFO were present on this planet, then it would be very likely, that they would wish to monitor, or would react to and go and observe the place a nuclear weapon was set off. When you watch Star trek - they are monitoring everything with their equipment, and it's not too far of a stretch to assume that this would something any space race would do themselves. A nuclear blast is dangerous and puts out a lot of energy, therefore, there may be things in these videos, that go unnoticed, due to their nature of being so fast, that cameras or even the human eye may be unable to perceive, in certain circumstances.

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