‘New Regime’ Is ‘Deliberately Causing Recessions’ Warns BlackRock; Digital Currency Agenda Speeds Up

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The world is heading into a financial crisis, what has worked in the past will not solve the economic problems, and a “new regime” is “deliberately causing recessions.” These are among the key points in a 2023 playbook from woke investment company BlackRock. Yet what is the “new regime” and what are the causes of the problems being “deliberately” created for economies around the world?

And meanwhile, a dual-sided financial agenda is moving alongside the new recession. Centralized banks are using the crisis to advance their own agenda to force people into using digital currencies, while the Fed is adopting policies being criticized as a type of “monetary totalitarianism.” What are these policies, why are they being pushed, and where do they risk bringing the economy?

In this live Q&A with Crossroads host Joshua Philipp we’ll discuss these topics and others, and answer questions from the audience.

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