圣经和教会将会带许多人进入地狱 Bible and Church will take many to hell - finalcall07

1 year ago

Source: https://youtu.be/8FowHh4Ldus

2012年1月6日 Jan Boshoff(finalcall07)

圣经和教会将会带许多人进入地狱。原因是作为信徒,他们整日忙于圣经和教会相关活动,而没有跟从耶稣基督。救恩是认识耶稣并跟从他,与圣经学习和教会的活动无关,而是关于做主的门徒,真实的认识耶稣,这是一段真实的关系。这些写了圣经、书卷的人认识耶稣,这就是为什么他们写下了关于耶稣的事。新约里的大部分著作都是保罗写的,他通过一段真实的关系认识了耶稣。保罗说:我认识我所信的这一位(我知道我所信的是谁)。 你认识耶稣吗?你认识你所信的这一位吗?你都忙着什么?你正在读圣经和其他人与耶稣同行的经历、见证吗?还是,你自己也与耶稣有真实的关系呢?你认识他吗?你在跟从他吗?你也成了耶稣基督的门徒吗? 保罗在水中受了洗,他也领受了圣灵的洗礼,这就是为什么他能写出来这些,并且他也领受了从耶稣来的启示。就像其他的门徒、使徒一样,他真实的认识耶稣。你只有真实的认识了耶稣才能跟从他。他的羊听他的声音,也跟从他。这是一段借着祷告与活着的上帝之间的属灵的关系。如果你听不到他的声音,如果你不听从他,如果你与他的关系不是真实的,亲爱的朋友,他不可能认识你,你也不认识他。你终日忙于你的宗教,你会最终落入地狱,因为到那一天耶稣会对你说:“走开!我不认识你。” 亲爱的朋友,唯一能够认识耶稣的方法就是,跪下来,向他呼求,全心寻找他。你要一直呼求到他回应你,然后你也要在这段关系上付上努力。你要确保一直都在听他的声音。朋友,你和耶稣的关系必须是真实的,否则你不能进入天国,你不会得到永生。阅读圣经、背诵圣经、参与教会的活动不能让你得永生。决定性因素是:你是否和耶稣有真实的关系。你每天都在跟从他吗?你寻求他的喜悦吗?对你来说耶稣是真实的吗?在为时已晚之前去认识他。

Bible and church will take many people to hell. The reason for that being that believers occupy themselves with the Bible and with church activities instead of following Jesus Christ. Salvation is KNOWING JESUS and FOLLOWING HIM. It is NOT about Bible study and church activities, it is about DISCIPLESHIP, knowing Jesus for real, a real relationship.
Those people who wrote the Bible, Scriptures, KNEW JESUS and that is why they wrote about Him. Paul who wrote most of the New Testament, he knew Jesus from a real relationship. Paul said I KNOW the ONE IN WHOM I BELIEVE.
Do you know Jesus? Do you know the ONE in whom you believe? What do you keep yourself busy with? Are you reading the Bible and other people's experience with Jesus, their testimony or have you yourself come into a REAL RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS and do you KNOW HIM, do you FOLLOW HIM? Have you become a DISCIPLE of JESUS CHRIST?

Paul was baptized in water, he received the baptism in the Holy Spirit, that is why he could write about it and he received REVELATION from JESUS. He knew Jesus for REAL, just like the other disciples, the Apostles. You can only follow Jesus if you know Him for REAL. His sheep LISTEN to HIS VOICE, they FOLLOW HIM. It is a spiritual relationship with the Living God through PRAYER.

If you do not hear His voice, if you do not listen to Him, if your relationship is not real dear friend, then HE CANNOT KNOW YOU and YOU DO NOT KNOW HIM. You are busy with religion that will end you up in HELL, because Jesus will say to you one day: I do not know you, go away from Me.
Dear friend, the only way you get to know Jesus is, you get down on your knees and you cry out to Him, you seek Him with all your heart. You cry out to Him UNTIL HE ANSWERS YOU and then you work on that relationship. You make sure that you hear from Him all the time.
Your relationship must be real friend or else you will not get into Heaven, you DO NOT HAVE ETERNAL LIFE. Reading the Bible, knowing the Bible by heart and all your church activities cannot help you. ALL that matters is: do you have a REAL RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS. Are you following Him every day? Are you seeking to be pleasing to Him? Is Jesus real to you? Get to know Him friend before it is too late.
May Jesus bless you.

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