Genocide by the J@b with Charlie Robinson #50

2 years ago

We cover a lot of dark topics on this show, but this one might be the most terrifying episodes I have ever done. Charlie Robinson, the host of Macroaggression and author of The Octopus of Global Control, came on to discuss Event 201, The 2025-2028 Spars Report, and the infamous Deagel Report. In these reports, it shows a population reduction in the western countries of around 70 percent. Where did these people go? Is the MRNA v@cc!ne going to wipe out the majority of the population?

You can find all of Charlie Robinson's content on his website

You can listen to his podcast Macroaggressions with Charlie Robinson on all major podcast platforms. You can also find his content on Rofkin.


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Special Thanks to Mr. Charles Elliott for allowing us to use his song for the intro. Check out his music here on Spotify

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