Blumenfeld's Alpha Phonics Lessons 1-28, by Samuel L. Blumenfeld

2 years ago

Sam Blumenfeld is a pioneer in the homeschool movement and now offers "Blumenfeld's Alpha-Phonics" program via public access cable TV. Permission from Producer obtained. ""Dyslexia is an exotic word, concocted from the Greek dys, meaning ill or bad, and lexia, meaning words. It was invented to describe a condition that afflicts many normal and intelligent youngsters who, for reasons that seem to baffle most educators, parents, and physicians, can't learn to read. The difference between a dyslexic and a functional illiterate is purely social. A functional illiterate is simply someone who has kept his reading problem to himself and goes through life pretending he can read." So claims Sam Blumenfeld who wrote "Dyslexia: The Disease You Get in School" in one of his educational letters. This program is presently airing on WCTV-21 starting with lessons 1-28. You can download or obtain a copy for cablecasting in your area and help promote Intensive Alpha-Phonics. You'll love his opening presentation where he says, "The Key to Brain Power is language and the Key to Language Power is Phonetic Reading."

Copies of "Alpha-Phonics" can be purchased here:

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