A Journey In Africa Too Incredible For Words

1 year ago

Kenya is home to some of the most majestic and beautiful animals on the planet. Some roam free in the wild and others live in vast game sanctuaries where they are easier to protect from poachers. Due to habitat loss and and hunting, many of these animals are on the brink of extinction. These safaris are funded by donations, government grants, and tourism dollars. They provide a haven for the wildlife, as well as an opportunity for people to see them and understand the importance of conservation. To lose animals like the rhinoceros, elephants, lions, or giraffes would be beyond tragic.

Imagine taking a hot air balloon into the air and drifting with the wind over Kenya, see the world from above. Tree tops beneath, immense grasslands, and winding rivers make up the landscape. Animals here are a mix of predators and prey. Some are both at the same time. The balance is fragile and it can change without warning.

Imagine touching down to explore and get a close up look at some of them, seeing them in their own environment and on their terms. It is not without risk, as these animals are truly wild. Guests on these tours accept that they need to be careful and respectful of the animals and their space at all times. But carefully guided by experienced experts, the animals have no reason to cause anyone harm.

Imagine watching giraffes swinging their heads fiercely as they establish the herd pecking order, hippos crossing a rapids, zebras wading through crocodiles to reach the grass beyond the river, and young stallions playfighting in the middle of a herd of wildebeest, and a baby elephant scratching his backside on a thorn bush. Look into the eyes of a giraffe as it chews its dinner of leaves. Watch from the ground as a leopard caches a freshly captured impala in a tree to keep it safe from scavengers and other hungry carnivores. A huge lion, the king of beasts, scratches in satisfaction after feasting in the sun.

A mother rhino and her large calf keep a watchful eye as they graze behind some shrubs. Two young lionesses chase each other playfully but the technique we see in the chase is striking similar to how a grown lion takes down its prey. A lion with a gorgeous mane grooms himself without a care. Another tears apart the remnants of his earlier catch, or perhaps he's sharing in kill that was made by his pride.

The sights of Africa are breath taking and a slow ride over the wilderness in a balloon is possibly the most incredible way to experience them all. These memories were captured on video so that those who have not had the good fortune to experience something like this can get a taste of what it would feel like.

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