Horror Films We Only Watch for the Nudity [Horror Land]

1 year ago

Horror Films We Only Watch for the Nudity [Horror Land]
We are all adults here right? So, we can admit that a certain amount of enjoyment in horror comes from more liberated views on sex and nudity. Friday the 13th just would not be the same movie if you took out all the nude teens. Jason literally drowned because a couple of hormonal teens could not keep it in their pants long enough to keep an eye on the kids. Halloween, A Nightmare on Elm Street and even the Hellraiser series are all films that feature a hefty amount of sex, and it’s hard to imagine these films without it. You’re more than likely to see nudity in Horror than you are in an action, sci-fi or fantasy film, and it’s one of the very few medium in which it is acceptable to see mature content. However, sometimes even Horror can go a little OTT on the nudity, and the movies sexual content ends up being the best thing about the film. So here is our list that showcase films that explored sex more than horror. Here are some Films We Only Watch for The Nudity.


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