Sensational News | Putin in Panic: Russian Officials Facing Massive Flu Outbreak! | #shorts #news

2 years ago

Sensational News | "Putin in Panic: Russian Officials Facing Massive Flu Outbreak!" | #shorts #news

Russian President Vladimir Putin may reportedly cancel his annual address to the Parliament's Upper House and move to a bunker to quarantine as a major flu outbreak has hit Russian officials. Putin already cancelled his annual year-end press conference. A report said 'many people in the Kremlin were down with flu', attributing the disclosure to Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov.

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#RussianFluOutbreak #VladimirPutin #Quarantine #UpperHouse #Kremlin #DmitryPeskov #YearEndPressConference #AnnualAddress #usnews #bbcnews

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1. Flu outbreak in Russia ,
2. Putin's annual address to Parliament's Upper House ,
3. Cancellation of Putin's yearend press conference ,
4. Kremlin officials with flu ,
5. Putin quarantining in bunker ,
6. Dmitry Peskov's statement on flu outbreak

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