The Future Looks GRIM.....(Davos 2023)

1 year ago

The Future Looks GRIM.....Addressing the Current Industry Headwinds in the context of a New System for Harnessing Frontier Technologies for Private Sector Innovation and Resilience...This is one of the tenants that the WEF will be speaking on at the 2023 Davos meeting. Gene Editing, AI, and the 4th industrial revolution all will be spoken about. What do you think about this? Are all the WEF cronies trying to play God? And have complete control over us?

From their website:
Industries are being forced to reassess their investment, production and innovation decisions with the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), (4IR = Genome Editing, AI, Crypto, Cybernetic implants, automation) climate change and geopolitical fragmentation of recent years. To navigate the current friction points and to strengthen future competitiveness, companies will need to foster emerging technologies of 4IR as well as optimize for agility. They will also need to realize stakeholder capitalism (Expanding the influence of capitalism to not only shareholders but to employees, local communities, customers, and suppliers. The problem with stakeholder capitalism is that it forces the natural forces of capitalism to serve a centralized agenda. Who gets to be the arbiter of the standard for stakeholder capitalism?) through core business and operating models not only to drive resiliency today but also to shape the future socio-enviroeconomic prosperity. To do so successfully, collaboration must be strengthened across increasingly diverse ecosystems, including competitors, companies in other industries and innovators.

WEF Davos 2023 Meeting | What Will They Reveal?

World Economic Forum Davos 2023 Meeting Agenda:

Video Credit:
Chief Producer: Nick Redding
Writer: Sam Kwak
Writer: Daniel Kwak
Writer: Brandon Rowell
Editor : Jonathan Alipio

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