The Mrs. makes her first fresh ground homemade chicken/pork breakfast patties

1 year ago

Watch me make fresh ground homemade chicken and pork moist breakfast patties.

Hello Rumble neighborhood,

The Mrs. here, I'm sure It's a good morning somewhere and I don't know about you but I actually like eating chicken breakfast sausage. However in my new home in Texas. chicken sausage is kinda hard to find. So since we now have our own sausage stuffer. I thought why not try and make my own and even get a little more adventurous and combo it with pork. One of the reasons why I love to home cook. Is because I like to try something new together that I am feeling at the moment and see if it is a tasty creation to add to my personal recipe books. If you have been wondering if and how chicken & pork sausages are made and taste. Then what are you waiting for click play now....

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Mr. Rose & The Mrs.
Wild Rose Haven Homestead

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