A ghost town with a VERY troubled history... lost and now found. The silence is... noticeable...

2 years ago

The town of Packard, KY was a coal town founded around 1900 and survived until the mid-1940s. The town was centered around the coal mining operation under the Packard/Mahan Jellico Mining Company. The population was thought to have reached approximately 400, at the height of operations. The mines were hard work and the workers were paid in "Coal Scrip" which could only be spent at the Company Store (the store seen in the video). This led to a condition of "total control" over the town, by the company, as it was the sole supplier of work, economy and goods.

This, eventually, culminated in a worker revolt that resulted in a large fire being set in a coal tipple and the complete stoppage of work. The Kentucky State Government deployed several squads of National Guard Troops to the area, to quell the uprising and not much is known of the aftermath from this point. What is left of this town now sits on private land owned by descendants of what was once the most wealthy citizens of Packard.

As with most ghost towns, especially those with troubled histories, there are stories of cursed land and strange occurrences that have been passed down through the generations of those who once inhabited this place. The appearance of this place doesn't do very much to squash this notion... as you'll see.

My name is Jed Hutcheson and I'm 39 years old. I've always loved video editing, travel and exploring abandoned places. Also, I've always been a fan of the STRANGE, DARK and MYSTERIOUS. Now I'm combining all of that and taking you with me; hoping, one day, to make a living doing something that I love. I'm also learning how to do the whole "farming thing"... of which, I have VERY little knowledge. Read: None. If you like backpacking, hiking, mountains, Randonautica, the dark unknown, or watching some city dude try to learn how to do farm things... you might want to subscribe. I do all the things. Even if I make little to no money doing this, I'll still do it. It's what I like to do. Go play outside.

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