12/11/22 The Pendulum E4 PII: Unconstitutional Protection Is Not Law or Protection From Liability

1 year ago

Murder or At Least Accessory To Murder
There is No Constitutional Protections for the perpetrators of what has occurred on social Media platforms: It’s Time To File Mareva injunctions (asset preservation) on all of them!

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The Political Pendulum Swings With A Hypnotic Effect
Left to Right, Right to Left, and Left to Right Again and Again until Freedom and Liberty Is Completely Eroded Away

Our Defense The U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights
"All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void. An unconstitutional act is not law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; it affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation as inoperative as though it had never been passed."
-Marbury V. Madison (1803)

*Gene Technology
*Jabbed Dr. Fauci Gene Therapy of your children by coercing your children (That is what he said) Semantics

**Eric Schmitt Missouri AG Now Sen. Elect
*How many times did all know Fauci say I don’t recall?
*His daughter worked at Twitter during the pandemic
*How many lives and livelihoods were destroyed
*Destroyed how about murdered to cover up, yes covered up that’s coming stay with us.

*Walensky has Intel Agency Surveillance power over American!
*Walensky CDC more deaths Power and Control PT III Testimony
*Our Founders Marbury V. Madison come to mind
*Americans want America Back, legal battles are so important
*No data on Natural Immunity but has intel power and record?
*Essential Labs were open Semantics again, not all CDC labs or workers were function earlier this year when she was questioned
*But they were providing technical support, see how it works?
*No answers to how many CDC government employees were jabbed but they mandating them on the Military, The Public and Children
*Keep in mind as stated in the earlier clip Gene Therapy

*The Whistle Blower further exposes funding and circumvented to China
*I am not sure if we can agree with his hypothesis or not, but in any case if you have been following closely here is what we have explained so far on our shows as the grand plan as we see it according to the facts we have right now when we add the recent release of the Merchant of Death Well:

*The Pentagon has been exposed for being involved with funding the Fort Dietrich labs to develop a Bio Weapon.
*Fauci and others involved have been involved with NATO and connections to Ukraine and were circumventing the orders of two presidents Obama and Trump to halt this type of Gain of Function research which is how it landed in the Communist Chinese Hands
*But let’s go back to the Trump Impeachment hearings and when we dug deep we expose the connections between the so-called Ambassadors testifying (CIA), and Biden’s connections to the Ukraine. War Why?
*When going beyond these mainstream media clips and propaganda we can go right down to the Department of Defense’s involvement in the riots on Jan 6th! DTRA
*Which is why Democrats and Anti-Trump Republicans are concerned right now about the GOP Freedom Caucus exposing it all!
*Kevin McCarthy may be their only remaining hope to cover up and isn’t strange how the self-proclaimed News Commentators on FOX and others are going after Rep Andy Biggs, they may be covering up
*Global Conflicts of a major scale will be the only way to cover up their Deep State actions.
*There is nothing The DC Swamp fears more than ever allowing President Trump to regain power to the point they will intentionally cause WW III and blowup most of the world if need be. So now on top it this The Merchant of Death is just another Chess Piece In The Game.
*Anti-Trump commentators were slamming him for not getting the Marine back from Russia and how he said it wasn’t a fair trade the Merchant of Death for the Marine
*Trump haters rolled with it, but what does Trump know?
*They want him out there peddling weapons of Mass Destruction
*Pay Attention and be prepared these are FACTS Not Theory

*Here is the Sat Night Twitter Dump with Michelle Obama’s involvement
*Frame from Scheleneberger about after the event of Jan 6 th with a tech journalist and Michelle Obama putting on pressure to ban Trump
*Chris Sacca Threatens both Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg about having to ban Trump
*Tech Journalist Article
*If you look at the icon in the upper right hand corner you can see this is Michelle Obama calling for Trumps ban now.
*What is she trying to hide?
*Maybe when it comes to pushing this treasonous agenda President Obama is willing to go back on his concerns about Gain of Function Research or was it all just words to cover his ass in the future if it all became exposed like it is being now
*Keep in mind Michelle wasn’t just some sweet little First Lady, she has been an outspoken racist all her life if you do the research.
*To End Some Comedy from “The Simpsons” 2010
*Is or was this ever comedy or a warning of what was to come?
*Keep in mind when this was aired there were committee hearings going on where Fauci was being question about the jabs and research we play a segment in a previous show we aired from that time.
*Also Dr. Judy Mikovits was whistle blowing about Fauci and his experiments dating back to the late 1970s when she and her partner were doing research for him in NC.

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