Fed Returning to Gold Standard? Andy Schectman Interview

1 year ago

When you are listening to this explanatory account of Andy Schectman, then keep in mind, that EVERY-THING YOU HEAR, is designed, centrally managed and centrally controlled, by the one-and-the-same Rothschild globalist crimes syndicate, that has purposely enslaved all humanity to their -- now to be replaced -- counterfeit fiat currency pyramid ponzi schemes. Their old criminal counterfeit IMF-World bank debt based swindle ponzi schemes have successfully manipiulated & steered the entire human world into TRILLIONS & TRILLIONS in counterfeit, not even really existing "debts", and that system is now being deliberately taken down, so that it can be replaced with their Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) totalitarian control system, that ALSO is not real, and does not exist, UNTIL & UNLESS you believe it is real and exists, and everyone simply accepts this new New World Order ILLUSION, as to be real. And THAT my friends, WILL BE THE END -- OF EVEN THE ILLUSION OF FREEDOM.

This transition by the globalist banking crime syndicate is the essentially necessary transition, for them to establish a full and totalitarian control over EVERY ASPECT OF YOUR LIFE, and over every aspect of every other human life. CBDCs will be utilized to render you and obedient slave to the whims of the crime syndicate that are referred to as " the elite". Think of the Social Credit Score system, that is already in place in China, and that is where this is going. China has run the pilot for this globalist need, and it is successful. Now the globalists are ready to also implement this totalitarian system of control and manipulation in the US, the EU, and the rest of the world.

Andy does a fantastic job in summarizing the developments that have led the entire human world into these perilous dire straits. And if this human world will FAIL TO WAKE UP to the true nature of this threat, and make the unforgivable and irrevocable mistake of continuing to go along and collaborate with the demands of the CORPORATE GLOBALIST EXECUTIVE BRANCHES that people erroneously call "their governments", THEN THAT WILL BE THE END OF EVEN THE ILLUSION OF FREEDOM, AND GLOBALIST TYRANNY WILL BE COMPLETE.


Andy Schectman, the CEO of Miles Franklin talks with Logan Moody regarding the massive gold buying which has been going on for a few years now, and continues unabated, despite gold & silver precious metals being so overlooked by the broader populace. The only logical reason for this buying spree of gold by central bankers and other large money parties, points to the coming of a new gold standard, and very likely a gold backing of all the New World Order CBDC's which are in the process of being launched. Why holding silver and/or gold is so important, and what this financial reset process means for those that are holding the real physical precious metals, Silver and Gold, in their own possession, will become very clear in this interview.

Information regarding Miles Franklin can be found by emailing Andy at info@milesfranklin.com

Andy Schectman and Miles Franklin can be followed on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MilesFranklinCo

0:00 Intro
0:32 The Shift Away from the Dollar
30:23 The Great Reset
55:56 Did the Fed do this Purposely
59:45 The upcoming CBDC Paradigm
1:01:36 The Fed's Upcoming CBDC
1:06:09 Can CBDC's coexist with crypto?
1:08:44 Coming Wealth Destruction
1:11:43 Closing thoughts how to Follow Andy Schectman

I am not a financial advisor, and it is only my opinions and interpretations I offer. You need to fully understand and investigate any investment decisions you make.

Logan Moody can be followed on Twitter: https://twitter.com/realLoganMoody

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