Ranking Nintendo Switch Games | Like Vs Dislike

2 years ago

What are some of your favorite Nintendo Switch games? What about some of your least favorite Switch Games? Well here are several games that I rank depending on whether I like them or not. Did yours make the list?

Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze - Like

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe - Like

Fortnite - Don't Like

Kirby and The Forgotten Land - Like

Pokémon (any) - Don't Like

Zelda Breath of the Wild - Really don't like, terribly overrated

Super Mario Odyssey - LOVE!!!

Did your game make the list? Did my results surprise you? Let me know down in the comments.

#Nintendo #NintendoSwitch #SwitchGames #Shortsmas #shortsmaschallenge #MarioOdyssey #DonkeyKong #Fortnite #kirbyandtheforgottenland #pokemon #pokémon #pikachu #bestGames #zeldabreathofthewild #mariokart #MarioKartSwitch #MarioKartExpansionPack

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