Nine steps to drastically improve your confidence.

1 year ago

Nine ways to feel better about yourself.
Do not compare yourself to other people.
It is normal to compare yourself to other people all the time, but that probably will not help you feel better about yourself. It might even make things worse.
The worse you would feel about yourself, the more you might be envious of other people.
In the end, life is not a race. You run your own race through life. Take charge of it!
Spend time with happy people.
Think about how your friends make you feel for a moment. Do they make you feel better or worse? Do they judge you all the time, or do they accept you as you are?
People you spend time with may have a bigger effect on how you think and feel about yourself than you realize.
So, think about how other people make you feel. If being with a certain person makes you feel bad about yourself, it might be time to stop seeing that person.
Better to be around people who care about you and want the best for you. Find people who are happy and can help you feel better about yourself. Self-confidence and a good outlook go hand in hand.
Take care of your body! When you take care of yourself, you know you are doing something good for your mind, body, and spirit. As a result, you will feel more confident.
Be careful what you eat. A healthy diet has many benefits, including making you feel more confident and prouder of yourself.
When you eat foods that are full of nutrients, you feel healthier, stronger, and more energetic. This can make you feel better about yourself.
Stay active! Regular exercise boosts self-confidence. Regular exercise makes you feel better about your body, which boosts your confidence.
Meditate! Meditation is more than just a way to relax. It can also help you feel better about yourself in more than one way. It helps you see and accept who you are.
Meditation also teaches you to stop talking badly to yourself and tune out the useless thoughts that make you feel bad about yourself.
Get a good night's sleep!
Cutting back on sleep can make you feel bad. On the other hand, getting a good night's sleep has been linked to good personality traits like optimism and self-esteem.
Self-confidence comes from taking care of yourself. Make sure you have what you need to feel good about who you are and what you can do.
Be nice to yourself. Self-compassion means being kind to yourself when you do something wrong, fail, or have a setback.
It lets you become more emotionally flexible and helps you deal with difficult feelings better. This makes you feel closer to yourself and to other people.
Always look on the bright side!
Negative thoughts tell your subconscious that you "can't handle" something or that it's "too hard" and you "shouldn't even try." This makes you feel less capable and less confident in yourself.
Positive self-talk, on the other hand, can help you be more kind to yourself, get over self-doubt, and take on new challenges.
Reframe your thoughts in a more positive way, which will help you feel better about yourself.
Do not say, "I can't do this" or "This can't be done." Say "I can do this" or "All I have to do is try" instead.
Confront your fears! Stop putting off things like asking someone out on a date or applying for a promotion until you feel sure of yourself.
In these situations, facing your fears head-on is one of the best ways to build your confidence.
If you are good at something, don't stop doing it! When you do things that you are good at, what happens? Your sense of self-worth starts to rise. Your strengths get even better, which makes you feel better about yourself.
Taking this approach also has the added benefit of making you happier with your life.
Don't be afraid to say "No." Doing things you're good at can make you feel better about yourself, and it's okay to say no to things that tend to make you feel bad about yourself.
There's nothing wrong with setting limits and staying within them. Setting social and emotional limits makes you feel mentally safer.
Set reasonable goals for yourself overall, even if that means failing a few times until you figure out what works. When you reach your goals, you'll feel more confident on yourself.

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Music: Pictory
Visuals: Pictory / Pexels / Canva / Other
Voice-over Recording, Audio & Video Production by VENGERMAX

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