PART 2 031: Drinking LITEWATER with Victor Sagalovsky

2 years ago

Our soft spoken guest today is Victor Sagalovsky who is the Co-founder of Litewater Scietific. In this episode you'll learn that not all water is created equal. That means, the type of water that you drink daily can have a profound impact on your health and longevity.  In the recent past, I've heard about deuterium depleted water, but didn't really learn that much about it.  Well... in this conversation we go through what it is, where it's found in the world, how it can be produced, and how amazing it is for your heatlh.  Victor even has offered us a discount code that you can use to get 10% off your first subscription order.  The code is HUMANPOWERED

Here's a litte bit about our guest Victor Sagalovsky:

Victor started out in his early 20’s as an innovator in plant-based culinary art, having co-founded, in 1995, the first organic gourmet raw food restaurant in North America called RAW. He attended Loyola University and University of Hawaii where he pursued multidisciplinary education. He has completed apprenticeships and graduate c o u r s e w o r k i n c h e m i s t r y, o p t i c a l microscopy and molecular biology. He is the author of many articles and guides in the field of wellness, biohacking, emerging medicine, technology, mysticism and esoteric wisdom. He also holds a number of firsts as a 3D cinematographer, having been a pioneer in digital stereoscopy in the mid 2000's in Hollywood with 3ality. He is the author of Gold: Catalyst of Radiant Health, a book about the history and science of the medicinal benefits of gold, and is adept in gold alchemy and the making of ORME’s. His theory entitled Endogenous Radiation Damage Theory of Aging proposes that our biggest obstacle to longevity is the excess deuterium and other damaging isotopes on the planet and proper mitigation will radically extend our lifespans. In 2018 he co-founded Litewater Scientific dedicated to the research, development and production of the most deuterium depleted water on earth. unraveling the secrets of health span and longevity. discount code HUMANPOWERED for 10% off your first subscription order
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