Pro Teaches n00bs: Lesson 21: Superman: Godfall

2 years ago

On the next lesson of Pro Teaches n00bs, Raymond joins me as we talk about Superman: Godfall. By (The Late) Michael Turner, Joe Kelly, and Talent Caldwell!

On the planet Krypton, saved by the great Jor-El, his Son Kal-El is not living up to his father's legacy! He dreams about flying while driving on his motorcycle. He looks like a disgrace to krypton especially compared to one of their best soldiers, Preus! That being said, his beautiful wife Lyla is always there for him! Wait wait...what? That doesn't make sense! What's going on? That's part of a big mystery that leads to a short but sweet story arc!

This work is such an underrated work that, deep down, gives us a deep dive into the idea of Superman as a God-like figure and the problems that can bring, but also call it out! And most importantly, it reminds us how human and fallible big blue can be!

Check it out and enjoy.

#Superman #JoeKelly #TalentCaldwell #MichaelTurner

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