February 25, 2020 🇺🇸 JESUS SAYS... This Bioweapon, called Corona Virus, will spread like Wildfire

1 year ago

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Jesus says… This Bio Weapon, called Coronavirus, will spread like Wildfire…

February 25, 2020 – Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) May the protection of God and His Peace reign in our hearts as we pray for the afflicted… Amen.

Lord, I cannot even imagine what You are going through. The wickedness of man is beyond comprehension. I am stunned into silence by what I have seen and how very fragile life on this Earth truly is. And I don’t know if you’ve picked up on it or not. But if you get on YouTube and see some of the videos that are coming out of China, it really is heartrending!! And I spent a couple of hours doing that, to see what they were going through. And began this message afterwards…

I know I could never participate in Your suffering over these losses, Lord. The very hint of them brings me to my knees in sorrow. I do not ask why; I know Satan is behind this. No need to ask that question. But please give me strength and wisdom to share this with Your people. Lord, I have nothing.

Jesus began… “If the days were not shortened, not one would remain alive. So wicked is this move of Satan that it is beyond the human mind to conceive of such evil. You see only a tiny portion; I see and hear the cries from those who are dying. I feel the sorrow that has no end – the pain and suffering, Clare, is incomprehensible! I love each one of these children of Mine, dearly. Yet I tell you that, in times to come, those who have gone on will be envied by the living.

“It is not too late to contain this, but the means must be extraordinary—and few are prepared or willing to. As a result, this will spread like wildfire. Containment is the only answer for many, unless they embrace Me and avail themselves of My protection. I cry out to those, Clare, as they are dying. I give them an opportunity to receive Me – I have not left them without recourse.

“But many do not know or understand, truly understand, that I am their God. They have been so brainwashed that only extraordinary Grace can convince them otherwise.

“It is coming to America. It is coming to your shores. It is already here—and those who do not seek My protection are in great peril. I want them to come to Me, no matter what they’ve done. I want them to know My forgiveness and unconditional love. I want them to experience My deliverance, My promises, and My power to save. But so many do not believe, do not trust, and cannot turn to Me with faith.

“Yet, I am working with them through their believing relatives. I will show them My salvation and they will come to believe.

“People of the world, you all belong to Me. I made each one of you intricately with a divine purpose in life. But your secular societies have removed Me from you as a solid source of healing and deliverance. They would rather go to the doctor, who they think they can trust. Yet for many, a doctor’s help will be utterly useless, so well has this bio weapon been engineered.

“I am your only recourse, My loved ones, and you are all My loved ones. I know each of you intimately. I understand your dreams and struggles, your brokenness. Your accomplishments. All is perfectly understood, and I wish for you to live—not die.

“I wish to bring you into My Kingdom, glorify you with knowledge, understanding, and love. I wish for you to fulfill the purpose of your life on Earth, and I wish to have you with Me, by My side, in Heaven. Do not turn away from Me! Let Me into your heart and cleave to Me. Without understanding of life on Earth and Eternity, the sorrow is unbearable. I cry out for you day and night that you will turn your heart to Me in a new way, a way never understood before.

“I am not a religion; I am a relationship! And I long to hold you, comfort you, and give you new hope. But you must turn to Me and leave behind those ways you know are sinful in My sight. I want to cleanse you of your iniquities and wash away the darkness, that I may fill you with My light and ignite in you a fire of love for your fellow human beings.

“This scourge is being permitted by My Father to wake you up before it is too late. Many of My people are living solely for themselves, not for others. Many of you are captive to your possessions and ability to buy more possessions. These things are giving you a false sense of security. You do not see how very frail your life is, and the consequences of living it to please yourselves. You see what your culture approves, and this gives you a sense of security and accomplishment.

“But overnight, this could be taken from you. Oh, how I wish for you to all wake up! Each day I wish for you to find new ways to bless others, and spend substantial time crying out to Me for wisdom and deliverance.

“It is not only a simple prayer that will deliver many. No, there must be repentance – a turning around from sin. A realization that you have been living for yourselves, not for what matters to Me. Those of you who have shown great mercy to others in this season—you, too, will receive great mercy. I long to deflect this plague from your shores! But first, I must see repentance and a life well-lived for what is good and right, not just for selfish motives.

“Getting you to see things from My perspective is indeed difficult. You have become comfortable in your lives of excess and sin. You do not realize or see what is so clear to all of Heaven. You see only what your culture applauds, and this is why drastic measures are needed to change your perspective.

“Yet, I am not without Mercy. And I will work with your President to eradicate this scourge. Only, I entreat you, pray deeply, sincerely, from the heart. Pray for others. Pray for your nation, your family, and the Chinese people who are suffering so terribly. Each prayer you make from a heart of love for the stranger and the alien is recorded in My Book of your life. And it is a worthy gift of My Bride to Me.”

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