Furno Dispositions (Keyboard)

2 years ago

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View the original file: https://partimenti.org/dispositions/collections/index.html
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0:00 Major mode partimenti where the bass rises by semitone from ③ to ⑥
1:34 Minor mode partimenti where the bass rises from ⑤ to ①
3:50 Partimenti where the bass falls by semitones from ① to ⑤
4:43 Partimenti where the bass rises by a step and falls by a 3rd
6:01 Partimenti where the bass rises by a 3rd and falls by a step
6:35 Partimenti where the bass falls by a 3rd and rises by a step
9:19 Partimenti where the bass rises by a 4th and falls by a 3rd
10:25 Partimenti where the bass rises by a 4th and falls by a 5th
11:29 Partimenti where the bass rises by a 5th and falls by a 4th

"Furno’s “dispositions” are three-voice settings of the standard sequential bass motions (movimenti) as taught in the Naples conservatories. He provided multiple settings of each bass motion so that a student learned how to incorporate various suspensions, passing tones, and other embellishments into the underlying framework.

Dispositions of this kind served as models both for written counterpoint and for improvised keyboard realizations. In Paris they became the models for marches harmoniques at the Conservatory. The manuscript, preserved in Rome, is missing a page or two, and the ending of the last disposition has been reconstructed by your editor" - Professor Robert O. Gjerdingen, partimenti.org

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