Apache Footage Edit - Covering the Dots with Dots

2 years ago

While I have quite a few folks, going back and forth on whether these objects are birds or something else - one thing I'd surely like to point out - is that the discussion, followed by intense research is required to prove it to either side, one way or the other.

It might be difficult for civilians to access this specific location, however it would be vitally essential, to discovering the kinds of birds and bats, travelling the skies in the daytime and the night sky.

Perhaps even bringing a radar gun to test the speeds in which the bird and bats are travelling, and certainly a stop watch, to time, the flight of birds flying from the area observed, to the area in which they leave.

While I'll remain in the middle of the road, until the science and tests have proven which way it lies, I had a few folks ask me to do this for them, so I did my best attempt.

Sadly, I mixed down a 4K file, which ends up cancelling out the other two objects being covered over by dots for some reason. I couldn't get it fixed, so I screen recorded the edit, playing, to ensure I didn't lose moving a dot over a thousand times or more... wow this one was brutal because of how the objects appear and disappear

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