The Snake Bite: Four Angels Released

1 year ago

Luc Montagnier's prediction that those who have taken the solution would die in two years; seems to be becoming true. In the last eleven months, youtube has been flooded with news clips of people dying suddenly. Young people have heart problems and drop dead on the streets. News reporters are dropping dead on live TV, and we must ask why this is happening. The death rates are usually high for specific age groups but all of this is happening to those who during the pandemic chose to take the solution. All of this just as the river Euphrates has dried up and four angels who are bound there in that river. Now those angels have been released to kill a third of the population according to Revelation 9:14. Are the four angels influencing these world leaders to depopulate a third of people on earth? Through administering the Snake Bite injections that people take during the pandemic two years ago; in order to kill a third of those on earth. Something feels very eerie in the air, I can feel it every day a cold chill when I think about it. Lord Have Mercy On Us!!

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