STILL No Housing Crash In Site, Why Are So Many People Predicting One?

2 years ago

Mortgage rates reversed AGAIN, wiping out the gains of the last 3 weeks, and approached the highs from early April, only to fall short and close just below 5.5%.

Meanwhile, the real estate industry is yelling louder and louder that a housing bubble is imminent.

It may be true, we are headed for a recession, and we may have technically already experienced it. It may be true the stock market has much more corrections to go. But every time things seem to fall apart, the housing rates offer investors a safe haven to invest, preventing a collapse.

As I have said for weeks, you cannot have a housing crash without a lot of sellers FORCED to sell at declining prices. And today, we have the opposite, some homeowners deciding not to sell because they already have 3% or below rates and choosing to stay put, further limiting housing inventory. This may reduce sales, but it will not reduce sales prices.

Look at the inventory nationally, still at a record low and declining again last week. Inventory is down 16.7% from last year and down 44.8% from 2020.

Locally, inventory has cycled up but remains below levels of last year, and well below levels of the pre-pandemic market.

A great indicator of buyer demand is the price per square foot for homes sold, rising to $614 on average in our MLS, continuing the 5-year increase from $350 in 2017.

Well, I would not cry over it. I say this in response to a recent Zillow survey that over half of Americans cry once while buying a home. I know it can be emotional, but, really?

There may be plenty of bad news in the economy, and it seems many industries and companies are being put under incredible pressure. That does not, however, appear to be causing a major disruption in the housing market, but rather perhaps a slowing of the pace of increase.--

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