Taking the Banished down in Halo Infinite | All of Halo for the first time Day 43 |

2 years ago

Guys I'm finally here. I went from never really playing Halo Infinite's campaign. Half of me honestly didn't even think I'd get here. Let's see how the Halo Infinite campaign holds up to the rest of the series as I'm a huge halo fan now. I went from a sony pony who hated halo as a kid, to someone who wants to play halo 24/7. I cannot wait to try out this new campaign, open world, and hanging out with THE MARINES AGAIN. You know I love them XD

Like comment and subscribe to the channel to let me know if you like what I'm doing here! Feel free to drop any tips or flame on me for how bad I'm doing. PLEASE GIVE ANY ADVICE YOU HAVE! Backseat gaming is encouraged!!!

While you're down there, hit this link [ https://discord.gg/T77N6JW2 ] to join the discord and maybe come play with us on stream! I've been streaming every day, usually at 2pm EDT and also... whenever I feel like it. And lots of times we stream with chat! We do movie nights and free game giveaways! Hope you'll join :) This month I'm going to be giving away Man Of Medan in honor of The Quarry releasing on June 10th! Enter for a chance to win, totally free!

Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/soundwavespectre1

#xboxgameambassador #halo #haloinfinite #giveaway #haloinfiniteseason2 #entrenched #haloinfinitecampaign

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