Hear angels announce: "The Child has been born!"

1 year ago

The spiritual messengers of God, Aka, asked permission from the Father first on June 12, 1970. Then they told us of the Messiah's birth –– even as angels did 2,000 years ago when they appeared to shepherds watching their flocks by night. (See Luke, chapter 2).

Hear the angels announce that the Messiah is born at 2:17 into the recording.

Here is more of their announcement you will hear in this video:
"For our message is for those who may see and hear, and want to hear. And the light in the east and the Cherub shall only be there for those who believe in God, our Savior.
"We must ask for permission now, if thy would wait. One moment, please.
"Yes. Yes.
"We would say to you this -- the child has been born.
"Yes. Yes.
"And thy say to us, 'Therefore, if the child is born, why cannot we see him and worship him now?'
"Be patient. For in God’s plan the time is not yet now, but soon, for we must prepare the way. And therefore, [cough] -- and therefore, when the time is right, our Lord shall tell us, and we shall tell thee, for all things will be known to you in time.
"Now, thy have another question, ask."
“We have many more questions tonight, Aka. Was this child, the one that has been referred to, [then] was it born in 1957?”
"The date is close, very close...."

We wish the recording of this important message could have been better quality for you to hear. But this is authentic. Our article may help you to know at https://medium.com/a-stairway-to-heaven/what-did-you-come-out-to-see-ec155154636a

To read all of the words the spiritual messengers of God spoke that night, here is the transcript – http://www.angelfire.com/in4/aup_mess....

Would you like to join in association with the angels? Please join with them in the Association of Universal Philosophy, which the spiritual messengers of God asked that we form. See https://aup589.wixsite.com/joinaup.

If you'd like, you can read parables that the angels tell in preparation for the coming of the Messiah. See "Good Tidings of Great Joy which Will Be to All People" Today – https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/170...

Would you like to know more about how this came to pass? Read about it in articles in "A Stairway to Heaven" at https://medium.com/a-stairway-to-heaven.

If you'd like to read all of the words that were recorded when the angels spoke, see the books we've gathered by Aka, spiritual messengers of God, at https://www.amazon.com/Aka-spiritual-...

Please join us in the preparation. "We are here but for one purpose, and that is to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah," God's spiritual messengers say.

"New words shall be written upon the sky, but they must be written in men's hearts first."

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